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November 2007 Newsletter
JVC Artworks Logo
Janice's Itinerary
December 6-8
Shawn Bolz, Bill & Beni Johnson,
Che Ahn, Brian & Jen Johnson
Los Angeles, CA

January 2-6, 2008
Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets,
Cindy Jacobs, Peter Wagner
Denton, TX

January 13-15, 2008
Jack Taylor, R.T. Kendall, Charles Carrin
Satellite Beach, FL


"Every creative expression, great and small, is an act of courage."

             Sue Monk Kidd

Visit my new web page at

Entering the Portals of Heaven

Several years ago God told me that I would be "painting a lot." I thought He was talking about my retirement years, but I soon was awakened to a desire to paint that I had never had before, even during my years as an art student at Florida State University.

Janice in the VortexGod began to download prophetic dreams and visions which I quickly transferred to canvas.  Strangely, from the very beginning I felt my paintings weren't complete unless they contained what I now understand are portals from heaven to earth, or what I used to simply call a vortex. Hundreds of paintings later, I see that each one contains a doorway into the heavenlies.

While going through a box of old papers and photos recently, I discovered a 1970 FSU Seminole newspaper where I had posed for a picture in a large metal pipe.  The caption read, " In the placid vortex, FSU coed, Janice Rapp, takes a break from art class."  I had to laugh and marvel at how God loves to weave seemingly random and insignificant details all through our lives into major revelations. Even back then He was prophetically positioning me to discover and enter His supernatural portals! 

God is teaching us how to live in the realm of the Spirit and the supernatural realities. He is giving more understanding to His Church about these heavenly portals. Jacob witnessed a heavenly portal that looked like a ladder descending from Heaven and exclaimed, "This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven" (Gen. 28:10-17). Ravished Heart

And those "now you see them, now you don't" occurrences in the New Testament were more than likely facilitated by stepping into portals. Remember how Jesus was able to miraculously escape through a furious crowd ready to throw Him off a cliff (Luke 4:29,30), and how Phillip was whisked so quickly away by the Holy Spirit after baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:39).

I believe we are now living in a time where stepping in and out of portals can and will become a common experience. Praying in tongues, worship, dance, poetry, and prophetic art are all means God is using to open portals and give access to His very throne. In this environment, healing, deliverance, and salvation will more readily occur.



While painting at a conference in California this month, I was invited to pray over those desiring a release of creativity. Most everyone in the conference stood and many eagerly came to the front to receive. Not surprisingly, God showed up powerfully. 

Cindy was one of those who received impartation. She also decided she was supposed to have Healing Come, which I had painted during the first night of that conference. She felt that God would use her newly released creativity and this particular painting to impart freedom and healing at an upcoming meeting that she was hosting in her church.                      Healing Come

How right she was!  Even though her creativity lies primarily in dance and banners, the Lord used HER to impart creativity to artists of other genres who attended. She shared how one of the ladies in her gathering who reluctantly agreed to paint during worship was blown away by what the Lord revealed while she painted.

Cindy was amazed and thrilled that God could use her to impart creativity in areas where she herself is not gifted. Regardless of where our creativity lies and how it is exhibited, we can give away what we receive from the Lord and watch the amazing things He will accomplish through our obedience. As we believe, so let it be done!

I love to hear your stories of how art or prayer for a creative release has changed your life in some way.  Please share them with me at janice@jvcartworks.com with your approval to share with others.  There is great power and freedom in your testimony. 


New this month in the Gallery

New Paintings in Gallery

To view these and other new works, click here


The Conquest

Give a gift of prophetic art

Along with originals, canvas giclee prints, and limited edition prints, I now offer 8x10 prints as well as assorted 6 packs of mini prints/notecards that feature some of my favorite paintings.

Janice VanCronkhite
JVC Artworks


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